'비지니스'에 해당되는 글 2건
- 2009.12.21 [마인드업]효율적인 업무 시작- 책상정리부터~~
- 2009.11.12 비지니스 레터 기본 표현
Dear Personnel Director,
Dear Sir or Madam: (메일을 받는 상대를)
Dear Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms Smith: (상대를 이미 알고 있을 경우에 사용하고 formal한 관계일 경우. VERY IMPORTANT 메일을 받는 사람이 여성이고 Mrs인지 Miss인지 모를 경우엔 Ms를 사용합니다.)
Dear Frank: (가까운 비지니스 파트너이거나 친구일 경우)
The Reference
With reference to your advertisement in the Times, ~your letter of 23 rd March,
~your phone call today,
Thank you for your letter of March 5 th .
The Reason for Writing
I am writing to inquire about
apologize for
inquire: If you inquire about something, you ask for information about it. - 묻다, 요청하다
Could you possibly?
I would be grateful if you could
Agreeing to Requests
I would be delighted to
delighted: If you are delighted, you are extremely pleased and excited about something. - 몹시 기쁜, 즐거워하는
Giving Bad News
I am afraid that
Enclosing Documents
I am enclosing ~
Please find enclosed ~
Enclosed you will find ~
enclose: If you enclose something with a letter, you put it in the same envelope as the letter. - (파일등을) 동봉하다, 첨부하다
Closing Remarks
Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way.
~there are any problems.
~you have any questions.
Reference to Future Contact
I look forward to ...
~hearing from you soon.
~meeting you next Tuesday.
~seeing you next Thursday.
The Finish
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes,
Best regards, (위 표현보다는 좀더 친근한 사이일 경우 사용합니다.)